Let me guide you back to health


About me

My name is Ana and I am an expert on the Animal-based and Carnivore Diets and Mycotheraphy.

I am very passionate about regenerative farming and ancestral nutrition, and support any way of eating that is animal-based and respects the environment. I believe in consuming as many traditionally-prepared, organic and local ingredients as possible, much like our ancestors did.

I was born and raised in Spain, and from a very early age, I struggled with autoimmune issues and disabling chronic pain that led me to be legally disabled. Most of my problems resulted from negligent and incompetent doctors who had failed to test me for celiac disease. As a result, I developed many preventable conditions like endometriosis, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), depression, histamine intolerance, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and generalized anxiety.

For many years, I lived a medical nightmare: my bloodwork was “normal”, but debilitating symptoms kept me from functioning normally.
When I was living in New York in 2014, I started to realize how much diet can influence physical and mental wellbeing after eliminating gluten after a suggestion from a holistic doctor. Amazed by the results I got from such a minute dietary change, I began to research and discovered the healing power of elimination diets. This led me to become 100% carnivore in 2018, which ultimately gave me a second chance at life.

For the past 10 years, I have been studying, researching, and reading any noteworthy science on nutrition, ketosis, metabolism, antinutrients, longevity, autoimmune illness, heavy metals and toxins, and hormonal health that I could get my hands on! After experiencing such incredible improvement with my own health through diet modification, I decided to change careers and I currently work as a Naturopath and Expert in Mycotherapy, helping people with digestive and autoimmune problems.

Thanks to dietary changes and my fighting spirit, I have been able to reverse gut damage caused by Celiac’s disease, my menstrual disorders, and my Hashimoto’s. I also have healed my gut permeability and dysbiosis, which often underlie autoimmune illnesses.

I’ve gone from being a chronically ill and disabled person to someone who is thriving and happy to be alive! I believe everything happens for a reason, and want to use my adverse experience to help others.

Working with clients, I do not only just address their nutrition. My approach to health is integrative, and I employ my knowledge of:

  • Mycotherapy

  • Herbalism

  • Red Light Therapy

  • Sauna Therapy

  • Biodecoding

  • Mineral Balancing (HTMA)

We should always find the root cause of our health issues, and not use bandaids to hide the symptoms! 

Today, I am very aware of the importance of nutrient-dense, high-quality animal foods when repairing the human body from illness. I want to reach out with my message to anyone who is struggling with their health and losing their quality of life from modern dietary guidelines, autoimmune illness, and gut permeability: there is light!


Don’t let your diagnosis define you

Current dietary guidelines largely contribute to the physical and mental degeneration of people worldwide.

Do you follow expert recommendations to “limit meat” and “eat endless fruits and vegetables”, but still experience symptoms? 

Do you feel like dying after eating “healthy” legumes or rice?

Stop blaming your genes, your age, and your luck! “Experts” can be wrong and are trained to serve the interests of food and pharmaceutical industries.


When a patient heals, their doctor loses a frequent client

It can be possible to revert many alleged chronic health problems following an anti-inflammatory animal-based diet!

Carnivore and animal-based diets have already helped thousands of people around the world revert many chronic diagnoses, such as:

















Back pain

Skin issues

Joint pain

Autoimmune illness

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”